Not sure about the cosmetics, but good results.ĭW: I preferred this to the ZL, as it felt weightier and I could feel where the clubhead was during the swing.

JR: This went very high for me but it carried well.

In the meantime I have purchased a set of PX 5.5 shafts and plan to reshaft the Cobras when I get the chance. My 17 year old son has all of a sudden showed an interest in playing (with his buddies, not his Dad!), and he's been using the Cobras - he really likes them. I was planning on making the Cobras my travel clubs, but I've been hitting the Mizzy's so well that that plan is on hold for now. My conclusion is that a month + of using game improvement clubs did just that - it improved game. The single biggest thing I've noticed since the review is that after a month of practice and play with the game-improvement Cobras and then switching back to the Mizzy's is that my ball striking is much improved. The nice little click feel with the Mizzy's is downright addictive! As mentioned in the review, the feel of the Cobras, while very good, just isn't the same as the 59's. Since the review, I have been playing my Mizuno MP-59's almost exclusively.