Great! Along the way, you started reading or hearing about container orchestration, and you went down the rabbit hole following every click-bait link out there. You've got a good idea why you want to use them and may have even deployed some containerized applications, and the apps are working. "There has to be an easier way!" you say to yourself as you stare at offerings from Google, Amazon, and others. Maybe you went through the process of figuring this stuff out on your own. Maybe you stumbled across Kubernetes The Hard Way or maybe even some Kubernetes guided courses. By now, you have heard about Kubernetes, by far the most popular platform for managing containers.

You've been searching the Internet with your favorite search engine, such as DuckDuckGo, learning all you can learn about containers-this sensation that has swept over the tech industry in the last few years. Complimentary course: Deploying containerized applications.A practical introduction to container terminology.